Thursday, January 14, 2010

Birthday at Lemaire

I'll just start this by saying (two weeks late, by the way) that one of my resolutions is to post more frequently. We'll see if that happens once school and work start up again!

Christmas break was wonderful. Lots of family time and good food! I visited my grandparents in Richmond, VA for a week. For my 21st birthday, they took Jim and me to a very nice restaurant in the city. The restaurant, Lemaire, is in The Jefferson Hotel, which is absolutely gorgeous.

The hotel is around 100 years old. To get to the restaurant, we had to walk up this very large staircase.

My dinner for the evening included: goat cheese and roasted beet salad with smoked honey, pan-seared loin of lamb with mustard spaetzle, and a very delicious chocolate Grand Marnier terrine.

My half-eaten dessert. I tried to eat it all, but by then I was so stuffed I couldn't.

As a special surprise, my grandparents arranged for me to meet the chef, Walter Bundy. It was my first time getting to talk to a chef, so that was pretty cool.

Of course my grandpa wanted me to take a picture with the chef after we met him. Two cameras were in use--that's why we're both looking in separate directions.

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